Vox Sua Non
"Vox Sua Non" - (Latin) "Voice Not Of (One's) Own"
This is a blog about mental health and recovery, with an emphasis on hearing voices. I am a recovered voice hearer with 20 years lived experience. Today, I identify as an activist for the cause of spreading awareness of and eradicating stigma about hearing voices and other types of mental illness.
I have always enjoyed writing as a hobby, and decided to share some of my day to day musings through this blog. The topics will prove as diverse as my whims. The goal is to be spontaneous in choosing my subject matter, guided only by the life of my emotions and what inspires or fixates me at the moment. One central theme however unites all of my writing. Recovery is an ongoing process. All of life's experiences down to the seemingly trivial and mundane can be turned to good account by applying the lessons learned and insights gleaned therein, to achieve a higher state of mind, body and spirit.